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Using IS phones or tablets for barcode scanning

Using IS phones or tablets for barcode scanning

Using IS phones or tablets for barcode scanningExtech Safety Systems worked with Mobexx in the UK to develop the mobXscan mobile application for barcode scanning with mobile devices. The application ( has been released for Windows 10 and Android offering 100 ms scanning times.

Barcode scanner: mobXscan adds the capability of barcode scanning to any Windows 10 tablet PC or Android device and uses the built-in camera to scan and capture the barcode. Easy to use, the interface makes it simple to add barcode reading functionality.

Easy integration: mobXscan is designed to be as easy to use as possible. Simply open the app and press the scan button to read the barcode and enter it into the device. Alternatively send a simple command from the application to trigger mobXscan.

Clever design: mobXscan makes the use of barcodes easy, but also powerful. It is fully compliant with Microsoft Windows 10 and Android 5.0 and above, but offers some clever features to make it really easy to add to the application, and really simple for the operator to use – the easier to use, the easier operators will accept a new process.

For almost 30 years, South Africa-based Extech has been providing instrumentation, especially intrinsic safety, for hazardous area operations in southern Africa. In recent years, it has signed with several leading industrial networking and mobile communications companies with the view to offer a comprehensive solution for IIoT/Industry 4.0 in hazardous areas.

“MobXscan opens up true 100 ms barcode scanning at a fraction of the cost of traditional IS barcode scanners,” explains Extech sales director, Gary Friend. “Extech can offer the AEGEx Windows 10 tablet and/or Mobile smartphone (IS520.1) or tablet (IS910.1) to allow this application to be used in all hazardous areas.”

.As sole agents for MTL, Beka Associates, Extronics, MercuryHMI and authorised reseller for AEGEx, CorDEX, MOBILE and XPlore Technologies in southern Africa, listed are some of the areas where Extech Safety Systems can assist: IS zener barriers and galvanic isolators; HART interfaces; fieldbus; industrial Ethernet; industrial security; industrial wireless networks; visualisation; displays, indicators, sirens, beacons and lamps; ISafe and flameproof cameras (incl. infrared); rugged IS smartphones and tablets (Android and Windows); hazardous area Exd access points for zone 1; hazardous area CCTV cameras for Group I and II; hazardous area barcode scanners; RFID tracking; surge protection; process alarm equipment; and hazardous area access control systems.

For more information contact Gary Friend, Extech Safety Systems, +27 11 791 6000,,

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